Man performing incline bench press with a barbell in the gym for upper body strength.

Using the incline bench press for workouts is a key tool for building upper body muscles. This movement helps to lengthen the muscle fibers towards the chest, shoulders, triceps, and back. Even though the flat bench press has proven to be detrimental in building a bigger and stronger upper body, the incline bench press is better.

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How do I get better at bench press?

The amount of time you spend on the bench press depends directly on the ego of your gym. In fact, a very common question at the gym is how much they can bench press. While this improves over time, there are a few things you can do to get better quickly. Here are some tips for getting better at the bench press:

  • Warm-up: Warming up can prepare you for the zen of lifting heavy weights.
  • Set up: Doing it right from the start is the key to getting better at the bench press. Make sure the bars are at the right height and that you start with the right weight.
  • Have a spotter: Knowing that someone can help you if needed is very comforting. They not only help you push the bars back but also encourage you to lift heavier weights.
  • Increase the weight: Ideally, you should gradually increase the weight as you become comfortable. Start by adding an extra 5 to 10 pounds per session.

What can I train on the incline bench press?

Working on an incline bench press focuses on the upper body muscles. If you want to make your arms, shoulders, chest and back bigger and stronger, then an incline bench is a must. Lifting weights on an incline bench helps develop the pectoral muscles. An incline of 15 to 30 degrees activates your shoulders by putting pressure on the rotator cuff. Alternatively, the rotator cuff is prone to injury when using a flat bench press.

How can I use the incline bench press for advanced exercises?

There are many variations of the incline bench press suitable for advanced exercises. If you are planning to take things to another level, consider investing in an incline bench press. The inclined angle enables you to increase the effort you put into the exercise through the pressure on your shoulders. No matter what level of weight lifting you are at, the incline bench press version can definitely add even more great benefits to your fitness program.

Which muscles does the incline bench press target?

The incline bench press targets three muscle groups, the pectoralis major, triceps brachii and anterior deltoid. However, a flat bench press also targets the same muscles but an incline bench focuses more on the upper pecs. Also, the upper part of the pectoral muscles are developed better using the incline bench press.

Is the incline bench press better than the flat bench press?

In short, the incline bench press is better for building upper body strength. Also, the effort you put into a bench press exercise yields better results than an incline bench press exercise. The risk of injury is also lower than a flat bench press exercise. However, the flat bench press is very popular in gyms for intense weight lifting training.

Where can I find an incline bench press for my home gym?

Many places offer variations for the incline bench press that can fit into any home gym. However, the two options available at Sports Yodha are compact and ideal for home gyms. Both incline bench presses can be moved to a corner and used for weight-lifting exercises.

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