5 helpful tips for running before beginning it - Sports Yodha
tips for running

6 helpful tips for running before beginning it

Planning to start your running routine again or new for running? Then these tips for running will surely help you with your running routine. Running is the best cardio exercise to cut calories or losing weight. Moreover, morning running or walk leads to a healthy lifestyle.

Before starting let get some points noted so that it can get easier for you to understand the ethics of running.


The very first thing before starting any workout, you should consider medical advice so that there is no stone left unturned in making your running perfect.

The reason for going for medical advice could be:

  • Over-obesity
  • Any health issue
  • Shortness of breath

Or any other reason.

Lace-up your best sports shoes and let’s start running.

Be very clear with your goal of running so that you should stay focused on your routine.

So without delaying any further, let’s get started.

6 Important tips for running


This is one of the best life-saving tips for running and is mostly skipped by people.

You might have heard these words from professional trainers at gyms but what they are doing in running? Running is also a full-body exercise that includes many muscles of your bodywork at a time.

Lack of warm-up before running can cause strain on ankles which could lead to some serious injuries. Your warm may include jogging at a spot, sit-ups, stretching, or little jumping. This is done to generate enough blood circulation throughout your body to make it ready for further work on the body.

Start with less

Talking about steps or timing, you need to hold on before really stepping into something new. There is no shame in starting little. This is because your body needs time to new adjustments and hence will gradually develop new changes in itself.

Take small steps and run for the smaller time period. For example, you can start with only 15 minutes of running and then gradually increase it to 45 minutes or one hour. Taking smaller steps in the beginning also helps.

Stay Hydrated

This is among those tips for running which many people do not pay attention to. Hydration before starting your running routine is a must, why? When you start running, your body sweats a lot leading to dehydration if not optimum hydrated.

Drinking water just after a workout is strictly prohibited but you can take little sips of water at intervals.

Take Intervals

Taking intervals between your routine will actually help you to do better. This help in retaining and reviving your power and endurance. It will allow coming over the hardships that you will be facing in beginning.

This has helped many people to improve their timings and therefore this is among the list for the best tips for running. But remember, this tip should not be continued. As lactic acid will build-up that can lead to less work.

Try Walk-Run Method

By far the most amazing tips for running are these tips. This method is really helpful and easy to do. How to perform? Start with walking for some minutes then switch to running for some minutes and then repeat.

You can also continue this method with intervals as well. It is so much easy and helping to improve your endurance and strength. Again, you can gradually your running timings and reducing walking timings.

Plan Targets

If you’re demotivated when running, then this can help. Although, this is a very casual and un-official tip for you. If it helps, then perfect for you. So let me clear the whole thing, let say, you’re in a park or forest, you can make targets of trees, that your first target is to reach some particular tree within some time and can reduce the time for reaching that place after few days.

Do not rush rather take smaller steps towards your growth, after all your ultimate goal is to stay fit or reduce weight. These tips for running are not for those who want to work hard for running marathons or races.

These tips for running is to change your form if you are not under professional guidance and want to work for yourself. So focus on long term goals and try to work in accordance with them.

So what you are waiting for? Build up a daily routine of running slowly for at least 30 minutes and a minimum of 6 to 7 consecutive weeks. This will help you develop a habit and strengthen your knees and calves plus the complete body. For the first few weeks, it’s best to brisk walk instead of running, if you have some medical issue or breathing problems. You can also compliment your walks with mild workouts instead of running only.

Final Words

Running is a great exercise or cardio which can let you lose weight quickly or stabilize your healthy lifestyle. If this running pattern can be combined with some extra workout sessions then this can give out unimaginable results to your body.

Focus on your body health, eat healthily and stay fit. I hope you find this piece of information helpful.

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