7 Body weight exercises that you should start today - Sports Yodha
body weight exercises

7 Body weight exercises that you should start today

You might be here to understand the importance of exercise or its benefits. Well, you are on the right platform for your queries. So today, we are talking about those body weight exercises that you must include in your daily workout routine and can start doing today.

Choosing the right workout routine is very important as it will responsible for your upcoming looks in the coming months. The type of physique you wanted is mainly dependent on the body weight exercises you are doing.

We will start from scratch and make it easy for those people who don’t know what are body weight exercises?

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What are body weight exercises?

Body weight exercises are the most cost-effective and self-sufficient exercises. These exercises do not require any external help of machines or weights. Such exercises include one own body weight to provide resistance against gravity.

Sometimes, you go for external help, but those substitutes are easy to approach. It could be wall support, an iron rod, a tree or just a chair. These exercises are best for home gym lovers as they do not take away your extra money.

Now the question can come to your mind.

Are these exercises even effective?

The answer to this question is yes! These body weight exercises are highly effective and work best when you do them regularly. You must have noticed that trainers recommend extra exercise even after weight training.

Body weight exercises work great for people who are eager to lose weight.

Talk to a professional trainer before carrying any new exercise and remember to do a warm-up before getting in something.

The body weight exercises may be easier for experienced athletes and could be difficult for newbies. The thing you need to keep in mind is to make sure that you get a green flag from your doctor.

Here are 7 Body weight exercises for you

Staying fit is the goal, let not any object restrict your way to your goal. Let’s get started.


  1. Squats

Squats are some of the most common and highly effective body weight exercises among others.

How to do the squat right?

Keep your feet a little width apart. (1-2 feet apart)

Bend your knees as if you’re about to sit on a chair.

Be sure to keep your feet perpendicular to the ground

Back straight!

Repeat it for a few reps.

This exercise engages your lower-body muscles (legs and thighs) and also puts your core and abdominal muscles to work.


  1. Jumping Jacks

This is a whole-body exercise that is considered a cardio exercise.

How to do the jumping jack right?

This is nothing but jumping at a spot.

Jump with your feet apart (1-2 feet apart)

Next jump, bring your feet together.

In addition to this, you can move your arms as well.

Jump 1 arms over your heads and in the next jump hands down.


  1. Mountain Climbers

This exercise focuses on your lower body and core.

 How to do Mountain Climbers right?

Start in a high plank.

Drive your right knee out and up toward your right tricep. As you do, turn your head to watch your knee meet your arm.

Alternate sides as fast as you can while still maintaining a sturdy plank and keeping your torso in place.


  1. Donkey Kicks

Another body exercise for your sides and thighs. Works great when done regularly.

How to do Donkey Kicks right?

Start on all fours.

Pull your right knee toward your chest, keeping your foot flexed.

Then, kick your right leg up behind you and toward the sky, then back down, keeping your knee bent and foot flexed.

Repeat on the other side.


  1. Burpees

Burpees is a whole-body exercise that needs high stamina and more strength. It imparts power and strength to your body.

How to do Burpees right?

Stand with your legs wider than hip-width apart, knees bent, and upper body hinged slightly forward.

Place your hands on the ground in front of you, then jump your straight legs back into a high plank.

Jump your feet to the outsides of your hands and bring your hands toward your chest to return to the starting position.


  1. High Knees

High knees keep your body engaged in lower body workouts and serve as cardio as well.

How to do high knees right?

Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Run in place, bringing your knees up toward your chest as high as possible while pumping your arms.

Keep your chest lifted, core engaged, and land lightly on the balls of your feet.


  1. Planks

How to do planks right?

If getting a toned belly is your goal, then doing the plank regularly is a must. While it may look easy, maintaining the right form takes real strength and endurance. Moreover, planks are great for building balance, posture, flexibility, and reducing back pain.

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