Renovation process of hard tennis courts with construction equipment and new surface materials.

Whether your court is indoor or outdoor, hard court surfaces require repairs and maintenance like all other things to keep them in top condition. Unlike other things that require maintenance, courts quickly become unplayable once certain defects develop and become apparent. This article will discuss some of the common deterioration that can occur on hard court surfaces that you should keep an eye out for.

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Stripped Asphalt on Sporting Courts

Stripping occurs when the bond between the aggregate and the asphalt binder breaks down, which can cause the court to deteriorate. Stripping usually occurs from the bottom up, which means it has already started before it is visible on the surface. Disintegration from the surface downward is called raveling. Not all deterioration on your court surface is caused by stripping, but it is certainly a common occurrence caused by the presence of unwanted moisture that can pull the aggregate away from the binder which destroys the structural integrity of the pavement from underneath.

While cracks and fractures in a road can be tolerated for some time until it can be re-paved, this is completely unacceptable on a tennis court or basketball court and may even pose a health hazard.

Birdbath Repair on Hard Court Surfaces

A birdbath on a tennis court is an area of ​​the court that has pooled water, usually a nickel or more in depth. While it’s not a good idea to have too many puddles on your court, it’s a common problem that’s usually not solved by the short pitch laid down when the court was built. It becomes a problem when the water takes too long to evaporate or the puddle is so large that it remains for a long time. This can delay play on the court after a rain, which is common in Florida.

It’s important for the court to have a good pitch so that all the water can drain away. If the surrounding area is flat, it may not be possible to adequately repair the area, as the birdbath may run into another area of ​​the court. Patching in this situation will allow the water to spread out better, so that the natural drying effects can take place. Poor drainage, paving errors and improper compaction of the subgrade are just some of the many causes of birdbaths.

Blisters and Bubbles on the Court

Another problem caused by unwanted moisture that can ruin the longevity and beauty of your court is blistering. Blisters and bubbles form when there is excessive moisture under the surface of the court that cannot escape. The Florida heat will quickly evaporate the moisture towards the surface and the trapped steam will break the bond that exists between the coating that was applied. Contamination of the base material can also be a source of bubbles and blisters forming on the surface.

It is obvious that many of these problems arise due to missteps in court construction, but problems can still crop up no matter how well prepared the court builder is. This is why having a qualified company like Sports Yodha available for court maintenance can help extend the longevity of your court by many years.

Discoloration and Fading

Surface discoloration can quickly make a serviceable court look dull and unattractive. Florida’s heat and year-round sun can really wear down outdoor courts and cause them to fade quickly, requiring re-coating.Dirt and contaminants that build up on the surface can cause discoloration, which can be removed with regular washing. Although people don’t think about it this way, courts should be washed regularly to extend their life.

Many public courts are not cleaned adequately and deteriorate quickly. Just like people, sometimes these small habits add up to huge benefits.

Tennis Court Repair South FL

Although many problems can arise when courts are not operating, these are some of the most common ones. Courts are a great investment for any community recreation center, school, park or private property. However, they require attention and maintenance to keep them serviceable just like everything else.

There are many tennis courts, basketball courts or multipurpose courts in Florida that have seen better days. Our courts in South FL get a lot of wear and tear due to the frequent storms and exposure to high temperatures and sun. Sports Yodha is proud to support the organizations that keep our local courts clean, well maintained, and accessible for kids and adults to have fun and make memories!

Contact Sports Yodha today for all of your court construction, repair, or maintenance needs!

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