How to play handball: learn all the rules of the game.

Handball is a sport that requires physical effort and has been an Olympic sport since 1972. There are two records of seven players each. All the technical information related to the game.

Handball is an indoor game characterized by its high speed, where teams attempt to score points by hitting the ball into the goal with great agility. The goal used in handball is similar to football, with posts and a crossbar.

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Handball originated in Scandinavia and Germany in the late 19th century. Initially, it was an outdoor game and was known as ‘field handball’. Field handball involves 11 players per team. Indoor handball was introduced by G. Wallström in Sweden in 1910.

Between 1938 and 1966, separate world championships were held for both formats of handball. However, indoor handball gained popularity during this period and since 1967, only indoor handball has been held as a world championship.

Field handball has been played at the Olympics only once, at Berlin 1936. Later, the sport was included as an exhibition sport at the Helsinki 1952 Olympic Games. Indoor handball made its Olympic debut at Munich 1972. Women’s handball was introduced at the Olympics in 1976.

Rules of Handball

Court for playing handball: size and other details

The court used in the game of handball is rectangular with a length of 40 meters and a width of 20 meters. There are two goal areas on the field and a central area where the game is going on. The entire court is divided into two parts by a center line. The side which is longer is called the side line, while the shorter side is called the goal line or outer goal line.

There is a goal right in the center of each outer goal line. Goals are usually attached to the floor and have a height of 2 meters and a width of 3 meters. Goalposts are attached to a horizontal crossbar. The goal also has a net.

In the game of handball, there is a semi-circular area at a distance of 6 meters from the goal which surrounds the goal. This is called the goal area or goal area. Only the goalkeeper can be in the goal area, other players are not allowed to be in it.

Apart from this, the free-throw line is another semi-circular line, which is 9 meters away from the goal. The goalkeeper’s restraining line is 4 meters away from the goal where he stands and tries to control the players of the opposing team. When the opposing team has a penalty chance, the goalkeeper is placed behind the restraining line.

There is a 7-meter line in this game, which is used when the game is tied. A throw-off area which is a circle with a diameter of 4 meters. It is placed exactly in the middle of the center line.

How long does a handball game last?

A handball match lasts a total of 60 minutes and is divided into two halves of 30 minutes each.

If a match is tied, overtime is played. The overtime period also consists of two halves of 5 minutes each. If the score is tied after the first overtime, a second period is played.

If the score of the match is tied after the second overtime and a tie-breaker is necessary, 7-meter throwing is usually used. In this, each team selects five players, who throw one ball each in turn. Each player of both teams throws the ball one by one.

If the score is tied after the first round of five throws by each team, then sudden death is applied. In sudden death, the team that has the lead after the same number of throws by both teams is declared the winner.

The ball used in handball

The balls used in handball matches are made of leather or synthetic and must have a spherical shape. The surface of the ball should not be shiny or slippery. Generally, there are two categories of handballs – one made of resin and one made of non-resin.

For resin handballs, the circumference ranges from 58 to 60 cm, and the weight ranges between 425 to 475 grams for men. For women, the circumference of the ball ranges from 54 to 56 cm, and the weight ranges between 325 to 375 grams.

For non-resin handballs, the circumference ranges from 55.5 to 57.5 cm, and the weight ranges between 400 to 425 grams for men. For women, the circumference of the ball ranges from 51.5 to 53.5 cm, and the weight ranges between 300 to 325 grams.

how many players are there in handball

A handball team consists of seven players. However, there must be at least five players on the court to start the game. Depending on the rules of the federations, another seven to nine players are allowed to be on the bench as substitutes.

The seven-member handball team also includes the goalkeeper. At the same time, the goalkeeper can become a court player at any time.

How to play Handball

Players usually dribble the ball while moving around the court, similar to basketball. They can take up to three steps without dribbling the ball and are allowed to hold the ball for a maximum of three seconds.

Players can throw, catch, block, push or hit the ball using their hands, head, torso, thighs and knees. They cannot touch the ball with their legs or any part below the knees.

Handball is a physical-contact sport. Furthermore, attacking strategies are encouraged, while passive play results in a team being warned and losing possession of the ball.

In handball, teams are not allowed to hold the ball without attempting to attack or shoot at the goal, nor can they repeatedly delay actions such as throw-offs. This passive play results in the awarding of free throws to the opponent team of the team in possession. If no shots are taken on goal after four passes, the opposing team is awarded a free throw. Teams are warned to give them a chance to change their offensive approach before a penalty is imposed.

How is scoring done in handball?

The objective of the players is to throw the ball into the goal. The team scoring the most goals in the match is declared the winner. However, the game can also end in a tie.

Handball goals often look spectacular. This is because players usually jump above the goal area lines, ensuring that they do not come into contact with the goal area, and players attempt to throw the ball into the goal while in the air.

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