How to Make a Workout Plan for Working Women?

Working full time and still finding time to exercise feels like being a Wonder Woman. Because it is a 9 to 5 job, or 9 to 6 for most of you ladies. If the commuting time is 1-2 hours, it becomes a 9 to 8 job. When you spend 11 hours every day working and commuting, there is no time or energy left for exercising.

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Everyone working at a desk or in the field has to exercise. But the real issue is how do you find time to workout? Don’t worry, I will discuss everything from training schedules to managing multiple workouts throughout the day so that you can make time for an enjoyable workout.

How to Make a Workout Plan for Working Women?

As a working woman, it can be difficult to find time for exercise in your busy schedule.

However, with careful preparation, you can incorporate simple exercise into your everyday schedule. Here’s how you can accomplish this:

  • Determine your fitness goals: To create a workout plan for yourself, you must first determine your fitness goals. Whether you want to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase strength, lose weight or improve overall health, understanding your objectives will help you shape your workout routine. Try to be active for at least 150 minutes a week.
  • Schedule your workouts: As I mentioned above, WHO recommends that you should do at least 150 minutes of easy to moderate exercise a week. Now try to spread these 150 minutes over 7 days.
  • Start a morning exercise routine: You can take out 15-20 minutes in the morning for jogging, yoga or stretching. This will give you a good start to your day and make you feel more energetic.
  • Use your breaks: Take short 5-10 minute breaks to walk at a brisk pace. You can also climb up and down stairs to increase your heart rate. You can also use your lunch break to take a brisk walk.
  • Go for a walk after dinner: After dinner, go for a short walk with your partner. Walk for at least 30 minutes, start slowly and gradually increase the speed.
  • Do different workouts every day: Doing the same workout every day will not be good for your body and health. Instead do different exercises every day of the week. Like cardio on Monday, strength on Tuesday and core strengthening on Wednesday. This way you can make your body respond positively to every workout.









30-minutes Workout


Core training

Leg day

Upper body workouts

Badminton /Tennis/Cricket/Swimming/ Dance



Type of Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises:

Choose activities that increase your heart rate and require more breathing. Exercise options include brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, and aerobic classes. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Strength training:

Incorporate exercises that target major muscle groups, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, and weightlifting. You can use free weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises. Aim for at least two strength training sessions per week, focusing on different muscle groups each time.

Flexibility exercises:

Stretching activities help to increase flexibility and prevent injury. Consider activities such as yoga, Pilates or basic stretching exercises. Schedule 10-15 minutes for stretching after each training session.

Things That Can Boost Your Performance

  • Find a workout buddy: Having a workout buddy helps boost motivation and makes exercising more fun. Coordinate with a coworker or friend to exercise together during your lunch break or after work.
  • Be consistent and flexible: Consistency is key when it comes to fitness. Stick to your workout plan as much as possible, but be flexible and willing to make changes if work demands something unexpected. Remember that working out for even a short period of time is better than not working out at all.
  • Prioritize self-care: Along with exercise, prioritize self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and managing stress. These factors contribute to your overall health and will increase the effectiveness of your workout routine.


Creating training programs for working women is easy, but following them is challenging. The secret is to start slowly and stick to it. If you find it difficult to exercise during the week, make the most of your weekends. Because self-care is very important for you and your family. If the situation becomes too difficult to handle, seek support from your family.

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